Saturday, February 5, 2011

I didn't know I have an extra Php17,000

I noticed that I had an overpayment of AED 1,447 (or Php 17,000/USD 394) for one of my credit cards. Apparently, I paid my dues based on an (over)estimate of charges that I made to my card while I was on recent vacation in Manila. I settled my bills even before receiving the statement. This is one of the rare instances that I'm thankful about my (intelligent) stupidity. Is there such a thing, heh?!

Now, I have a reason to spend a little more. But I promised myself that I'm not splurging anything for the Dubai shopping festival. Let the credit stay there for the mean time, with no interest income though.


Josiet said...

Shopping na agad! =)

witsandnuts said...

As of today, this has been spent!